Welcome to the future of beauty! Imagine effortlessly finding your perfect makeup look with just a few taps on your phone. Thanks to AR (Augmented Reality) and AI (Artificial Intelligence), that's totally possible now. Let's dive into how these game-changing technologies are transforming our beauty routines and making it easier than ever to look our best.

The Power of AR and AI in Beauty

Imagine being able to try on countless lipsticks or eyeshadows without actually applying them. Sounds incredible, right? With AR and AI, this is now a reality. These technologies are revolutionizing how we discover and experiment with beauty products.


AR: Redefining Makeup Try-Ons

AR allows you to virtually try on makeup using your phone's camera. Brands now offer apps where you can see how different products look on your face in real-time. It's like having a virtual makeup artist at your fingertips, making it easier than ever to find the perfect shade.

AI: Your Personalized Beauty Guide

AI takes it a step further by personalizing your beauty experience. It analyzes your skin tone, face shape, and makeup preferences to recommend products that suit you best. Think of it as having a beauty expert available anytime you need advice.

CTZN Cosmetics: Embracing AR and AI

At CTZN Cosmetics, we're all about using the latest tech to enhance your beauty journey. Here are some features that make finding your perfect match effortless.

Discover Your Nude: The NUDIVERSAL Quiz

Our NUDIVERSAL Quiz is designed to analyze your complexion and lip tone, helping you find your perfect nude shade in under a minute. Just answer a few questions, and you'll get personalized recommendations.

25 Inclusive Shades

Inclusivity matters to us. Our Nudiversal Lip Duos come in 25 shades that cater to all genders, skin tones, and undertones. No more settling for close-enough matches – there's a perfect nude for everyone.

The Perfect Match Quiz

If you're still unsure, try our Nude Match Quiz. It's quick and easy, and in just a few steps, you'll find the lip combo that complements your unique style and tone.


Q: How accurate are virtual try-ons?

A: Very accurate! Thanks to advanced AR technology, what you see on the screen closely matches what you'll get in real life.

Q: Is the NUDIVERSAL Quiz really that quick?

A: Yes, our quiz is designed to be fast and efficient, providing results in under a minute.

Q: Are the Nudiversal Lip Duos suitable for all skin tones?

A: Absolutely. With 25 shades, we ensure there's a perfect match for a wide range of skin tones and undertones.

Q: Can AI really help me choose the right products?

A: Definitely. AI analyzes your unique features and preferences to recommend products that suit you best, making your beauty routine smarter and more personalized.

Stay ahead of the curve and let AR and AI elevate your beauty routine. Try our quizzes and discover how easy it is to find your perfect match with CTZN Cosmetics!

July 18, 2024 — Aleena Khan